Monday, June 3, 2019

Halfway There!

Alright you guys... I have had some seriously ANNOYING setbacks! I made it to 5 miles and then was sick. Then, was having some leg issues that cleared up. I started running again, and I fell off a treadmill and hurt my leg/ ankle. To be completely  honest, I still kept saying I was running this half marathon, but I was starting to have some serious doubts.
Clearly, I stopped posting on here. Partly because I was extremely busy with end of the school year business, starting my teaching online job....(and staying up to watch the blues in the playoffs... completely reasonable) exhausted every. single. day. Mostly because I was so frustrated. I posted that hopefully my next entry would be me saying I had hit 6 miles and  roadblock after roadblock got in my way!
I'm not proud of letting my frustrations get in the way of taking credit for my accomplishments. I'm just being real. Its not fun to say.. "yeah... haven't gone past 3. 1 miles in over a month" right after  being able to run 5 for the first time.  ( let's not forget I ran my very first registered 5k last month.)You know what I forgot? I stopped thinking about where I came from. Guess what? Given that before March of this  year, running 1.5 miles was a HUGE deal for me, 3 miles is something to be proud of. Heck, getting out there and setting a goal for myself and not giving up is something to celebrate.

Well, guess what guys.....on my first official day of summer break,  I RAN  6.17 MILES TODAY! It took me 70 minutes. ( one restroom break included) BUT I DID IT!  I am so stinking proud of myself. I felt like quitting about 3 times, but I kept on going and it was SO worth it. I am halfway to my goal. But you know what? If I have another setback, I'm going to keep you guys updated because whatever I do is an accomplishment.

I'm registered for my first 10k on July 6th and I am so excited!  I literally registered yesterday, thinking, "well, I better get myself into gear if I'm going to get to 6 . 2 miles by then..."😂😂  Hopefully, 6 miles will feel easy by that time!

Well there's my update on my goals. Until next time!


( P.S.  did anyone notice I didn't say sorry? 😁)

Thursday, April 25, 2019

On the Road Again!

You guys,

I have not run in 2 weeks. I JUST hit 5 miles and I came down sick. Having eaten poorly the day before, I thought I was having a hard time because of a burger! I just felt horrible. As it turned out,not only did I have an infection, my asthma became a huge issue. I couldn't speak without coughing to the point of tears or worse. Running was out of the picture. Finally, after my second doctor visit, I am barely coughing at all and I am getting to run today! I am so excited!!! Although I know this is going to be a setback, I know what I am capable of and I am not giving up!

I think I have really gotten over this whole "sorry" thing! It is getting so  much easier to not worry about offending someone so much! 😅 This has also helped me in general with being able to speak my mind when necessary.

I'm not going to type a whole lot today. I mainly just wanted to explain the temporary halt in  progress. Hopefully, by my next entry, I will be up to 6 miles! =D

Have an excellent day!!


Friday, April 12, 2019



That is where I'm at, guys! Three days ago, I reached 5 miles for the first time! Yes, I did feel like dying about 4 times. I made it, though! My goal is to run a half marathon on August 25th. I started this goal on March 16th.  I am now on my 27th day and I have 135 more to go!  I would say that is some pretty good progress! I have been so happy with myself and my accomplishments thus far.

The frustrations:
You guys.... I quit my run yesterday.  😔 I ate poorly the night beforehand. I just didn't feel good at all. I almost ran two stop signs and a red light due to my head being foggy from fatigue and allergies. I was determined to still attempt my goal even though I knew that this one was a huge jump from the last running day. Surprisingly, I was feeling pretty good for about 2 miles. Honestly, it wasn't too horrible on mile three but after that... oh. my GOD. It was like a ton of bricks were thrown on my chest. My legs were giving out. I hopped off the treadmill to just get a quick sip of water and refocus... I stumbled around like a drunk person! I still tried to keep going. I let myself walk an extra minute and then I started my next running set. I just could not get it together. I gave up. I was so disappointed in myself. I really wanted to finish my run but I just didn't have it in me. I felt defeated.

After reflecting on the situation, yes, it could have been the cheeseburger I had the night before or the lack of food that day. Maybe it was that I just let my mind get the best of me. But you know what? I STILL busted out 4 miles! This is something that I had to remind myself I hadn't done before about 2 weeks ago! I had to focus on my positives and you know what? Next time, I am gonna kick that goal's butt! My goal is to be up to six miles by the end of next week. If I make it, awesome. If I don't quite get there, I am still growing.


I am doing SO much better at this whole "not apologizing" thing! It is not easy. I seriously argue with myself and justify why I should have/ did apologize sometimes.🤣 I still have a ways to go but I'm finally seeing some serious growth!

I have been so much more positive about myself! I feel good! I see that I am worth a whole lot more than I used to give myself credit for and I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and addressing my accomplishments.

Wow, you guys. I really didn't think I would have so many people following my blog but I really hope that it brings some positivity to your life and  maybe even entices you to set some goals of your own!
Much love,

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

2 Weeks In!!

Alright y'all,

I'm two weeks into this new endeavor and so far, I'm feeling great! I  ran 4 miles twice this past week! Yesterday, I made it 3.75, but a lot of it was uphill so I'm pretty proud of myself!  My goal is to hit above 5 by the end of this week. To accomplish my goal, I have been watching what I eat fairly carefully. When I eat poorly, I can definitely  tell a difference.   I just. feel. better.  My only setback  is that I keep getting this sharp pain in my knee the next day. Any thoughts?

You guys, it is super hard to break a bad habit! I am still working at not apologizing all of the time, but geeze! I couldn't even attempt to count how many times I said, "sorry! I'm not sorry!" I would say that it's a step in the right direction but this is definitely the hardest of my goals.

In regards to taking credit for my accomplishments and allowing myself to be proud of them, I would say I am  doing alright! I am happy with myself and I am trying very hard to not to be as hard on myself.

Overall, I am keeping up with my goals and I couldn't me more proud of myself for it. 😉

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Week One

Hello again! I decided to keep to my word and make my second post within the first week.   This will not be a long log but hey, at least I'm doing it! =) For those of you that may not have read the first post, I made a few goals for myself.
They were:
* stop apologizing
* take credit for my accomplishments
* complete a  half marathon

So Far:

Okay, so in regards to the whole "not apologizing" thing....  not going so great. I have become extremely aware of the fact that I say it so much that I wasn't even realizing when I was saying it at times! It's okay, though.  I'm not giving up!😌

You guys, I am registering for my half marathon! ( Just waiting for my next paycheck 😉)  It is on August 25th. I have been doing a program where I  am learning to do more long distance running. Before this, I had run (jogged) at most around 2 miles.  I felt like death afterward and it was rare for me to do more than a mile.  I am now doing combinations of running and walking. By walking, I  am going around 3.5/3.7mph.  Earlier this week, I was on a vacation so instead of running, I hiked/ walked trails for around 10 miles a day. I decided this was a fair trade for a few days. 😊I'm going to stay completely open and honest. Not just for you guys, but for myself to look back at my progress. Today, sticking to my program, which included both a 5-minute warm-up and walking cooldown, I completed 3.25 miles and it took me 45 minutes.  Is that amazing? No. But for me, it is!  It's progress! I'm currently running for two minutes and then walking for 3 minutes. I only have a day or so more of this until it increases my running time.  I may not have a "good" time at the end of August, but I believe I can do this!

 In regards to taking credit for my accomplishments and being proud of myself, well, here I just did! I'll try to have more to share about next time.  Until then, Have a great week!😍


P.S. - If anyone has any tips or suggestions, please, let me know!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

What am I Doing?!

Hey guys!.... Am I allowed to start a blog this way? Is there a "right " way to do it? Eh, I'm probably talking to myself anyway. 😊
This past year, I have taken a lot of time  to think about what I want to do with my life. What am I happy about? What needs to change? How can I make these changes?  Today, I am going to publicly address each of those questions. Oh, and I'll also explain why the name of this Blog is "Butimus One."

1. What am I happy about?
      * I am proud of my career.  Did I actually use the C word? Yes I did, darn it. I am 25 years old and have had 10 different jobs ( not including the little tutoring/ babysitting side gigs.)  I am a first grade  teacher and I absolutely love every crazy second of it.
      * I love my fur babies. I have three dogs; Piper (the nearly 6 year old Pomeranian who believes she controls any room she walks into), Rocco (the blue heeler/ lab mix who was picked up at a gas station and can steal your heart in a matter of seconds), and Maximus ( long story.)
      * I love my Lord. No matter what I have been through or have done, God will always be there.
      * I love the town I now live in. I have moved more than 10 times in my life and, for the first time since I went away to college, I have found a place I will actually call "home."

2. What needs to change?
      * I am extremely hard on myself. I constantly replay anything I have said to another person in my head, wondering if it could be taken the wrong way or if I should have said it differently. I make myself feel straight up stupid to the point that, at times, I won't say a word because, in my head, I've already said like 10 things to someone next to me and not one of the fake scenarios ended in my favor. Instead, I sit there, feeling stupid until the person is no longer present and then I beat myself up about it. Even worse, is when I do say something because ,God knows, if I have ever come back and apologized to you personally or via text message about potentially offending you, you can be sure I had been thinking solely about what I had said from the point it occurred until the moment I contacted you. My stomach was in knots and then stayed that way until I  (hopefully) received a response.
       * I never take credit for my own accomplishments. At some point in my life, I decided if I  said I was proud of myself for doing something well, I was being a braggart. I would be outcast if I actually directed attention to myself  because I I didn't deserve it. Someone had done whatever I had better than me so how dare I  feel accomplished.
       *  I can't give myself a compliment. I tell other women how beautiful they are but you would have never heard me call myself that word.
       * I let fear keep me from doing what I truly want to do.

3.  How can I make these changes
       *  I am going to stop apologizing. No, this doesn't mean if I bump into someone I won't give a quick ," oh I'm sorry, are you okay?" If I offend you, I'm sorry, but this is something I need to work on and the way I am going to do that is by not apologizing for the next month. ( Okay, we won't count that one. 😉)
       * I am going to start writing about what I should be proud of myself for! I'm going to stop worrying about people's opinion of if I am being too boastful or full of myself. The book I just read had the line, " other people's opinion of you is none of your business." Those words have been running through my mind since I read them.
        * I am starting training for a half marathon today. In junior high, we had the  dreaded mile run. Oh. My. God. It was awful. It wasn't just the run itself. I was never even able to finish. Unknown to me, I had asthma and I would look  and breathe so horribly, my gym teacher wouldn’t  let me finish!  That stuck with me. No, I don't blame the teacher. I probably looked like I would die. I felt like it. But from that moment until about a year or so ago, I believed that I could never be  a runner. I also have a bad knee and a hip that pops out on the same leg.  A few weeks ago, for the first time ever, I ran 2 miles consecutively. I was so proud of myself! I wanted to post it on Facebook but as I opened the website, the first post I saw on the feed was about someone running  6 miles. I was like... okay yeah I'm an embarrassment. Yes, I told a coworker and my parents. But I didn't let myself be happy with my own accomplishment. I also said to myself, " well, I will never be able to do that."  I'm sick of being the one to tell myself "I can't" when what I should really be saying is, " it won't be easy but I will do my best."

On this blog, I will give updates on my training for my first half marathon, as well as my other challenges to myself.  As previously stated, I'm going to explain what in the world "butimus (BOO-TI- MUS) one" is. When I was a little one, my mother (who is also a teacher) would already be at work when it was time for me to get ready. My father was givien the wonderful task of  trying to get me ready each day from preschool on up. Now, I have an amazing father, but as crazy as it sounds, he didn't grow up styling women's hair! Being the awesome guy he is, he still attempted every day by putting my hair in a ponytail. When he finished, he would say "okay turn around!" If it looked halfway decent, he would shout, " butimus!" If it was absolutely terrible, he'd say, ".... not so butimus. Turn around."
When I was a kid, I learned license plates had 7 spaces. I told dad, mine will say, " BUTIMUS." I never got that plate. Not because it wasn't available or  I didn't want to pay for the vanity. I was afraid I would sound cocky and I would get out of the car and not look so " butimus." I felt that I couldn't have picked a more fitting name for this page.
If you have gotten this far, thank you! I will try to update at least once per week with my progress.... but if I don't.....I am not apologizing .
