Thursday, April 25, 2019

On the Road Again!

You guys,

I have not run in 2 weeks. I JUST hit 5 miles and I came down sick. Having eaten poorly the day before, I thought I was having a hard time because of a burger! I just felt horrible. As it turned out,not only did I have an infection, my asthma became a huge issue. I couldn't speak without coughing to the point of tears or worse. Running was out of the picture. Finally, after my second doctor visit, I am barely coughing at all and I am getting to run today! I am so excited!!! Although I know this is going to be a setback, I know what I am capable of and I am not giving up!

I think I have really gotten over this whole "sorry" thing! It is getting so  much easier to not worry about offending someone so much! 😅 This has also helped me in general with being able to speak my mind when necessary.

I'm not going to type a whole lot today. I mainly just wanted to explain the temporary halt in  progress. Hopefully, by my next entry, I will be up to 6 miles! =D

Have an excellent day!!


Friday, April 12, 2019



That is where I'm at, guys! Three days ago, I reached 5 miles for the first time! Yes, I did feel like dying about 4 times. I made it, though! My goal is to run a half marathon on August 25th. I started this goal on March 16th.  I am now on my 27th day and I have 135 more to go!  I would say that is some pretty good progress! I have been so happy with myself and my accomplishments thus far.

The frustrations:
You guys.... I quit my run yesterday.  😔 I ate poorly the night beforehand. I just didn't feel good at all. I almost ran two stop signs and a red light due to my head being foggy from fatigue and allergies. I was determined to still attempt my goal even though I knew that this one was a huge jump from the last running day. Surprisingly, I was feeling pretty good for about 2 miles. Honestly, it wasn't too horrible on mile three but after that... oh. my GOD. It was like a ton of bricks were thrown on my chest. My legs were giving out. I hopped off the treadmill to just get a quick sip of water and refocus... I stumbled around like a drunk person! I still tried to keep going. I let myself walk an extra minute and then I started my next running set. I just could not get it together. I gave up. I was so disappointed in myself. I really wanted to finish my run but I just didn't have it in me. I felt defeated.

After reflecting on the situation, yes, it could have been the cheeseburger I had the night before or the lack of food that day. Maybe it was that I just let my mind get the best of me. But you know what? I STILL busted out 4 miles! This is something that I had to remind myself I hadn't done before about 2 weeks ago! I had to focus on my positives and you know what? Next time, I am gonna kick that goal's butt! My goal is to be up to six miles by the end of next week. If I make it, awesome. If I don't quite get there, I am still growing.


I am doing SO much better at this whole "not apologizing" thing! It is not easy. I seriously argue with myself and justify why I should have/ did apologize sometimes.🤣 I still have a ways to go but I'm finally seeing some serious growth!

I have been so much more positive about myself! I feel good! I see that I am worth a whole lot more than I used to give myself credit for and I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and addressing my accomplishments.

Wow, you guys. I really didn't think I would have so many people following my blog but I really hope that it brings some positivity to your life and  maybe even entices you to set some goals of your own!
Much love,

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

2 Weeks In!!

Alright y'all,

I'm two weeks into this new endeavor and so far, I'm feeling great! I  ran 4 miles twice this past week! Yesterday, I made it 3.75, but a lot of it was uphill so I'm pretty proud of myself!  My goal is to hit above 5 by the end of this week. To accomplish my goal, I have been watching what I eat fairly carefully. When I eat poorly, I can definitely  tell a difference.   I just. feel. better.  My only setback  is that I keep getting this sharp pain in my knee the next day. Any thoughts?

You guys, it is super hard to break a bad habit! I am still working at not apologizing all of the time, but geeze! I couldn't even attempt to count how many times I said, "sorry! I'm not sorry!" I would say that it's a step in the right direction but this is definitely the hardest of my goals.

In regards to taking credit for my accomplishments and allowing myself to be proud of them, I would say I am  doing alright! I am happy with myself and I am trying very hard to not to be as hard on myself.

Overall, I am keeping up with my goals and I couldn't me more proud of myself for it. 😉